We will agree the frequency of site inspections across RIBA Stages 5 and 6, programmed to allow us to view critical fire safety aspects of the construction.
We will carry out site inspections as per the agreed inspection regime.
We will witness life safety system cause and effect demonstrations as directed by the client.
Following each site inspection or witnessing visit, we will issue a report to the client detailing construction progress and providing comment and opinion on fire safety features. Each report will contain photographic evidence of the points raised.
Our Site Inspection and Verification service does not include:
• Supervision of any contractors or sub-contractors • Liability for ensuring the performance or adequate standard of workmanship of any contractors or sub contractors • Inspected areas will be limited to those that are open to view and accessible at the time of the site visit • The obligation is for the contractor to manage their work to avoid defects • Due to the nature of construction sequencing, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to witness every item and component prior to concealment, however our reports will clearly identify areas inspected.